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    Thursday, September 1, 2016

    Thought for the day September 2 2016

    'Turning over a new leaf' is something that many attempt but few succeed in doing. Many of us have experienced the diet yo-yo; the pride in dropping a few pounds and the frustration of regaining them as old habits resurface. Of course, the way to truly change our behaviour is to modify our mind-set. Often we make easy choices and prioritise short-term gain over a long-term aim. Now comes a time when you can begin a new, visionary regime. Believe you can transcend any shortcoming. You have the inner strength to succeed.

    These days, we celebrate big ideas, but when they go wrong they form the costliest of mistakes. So, from an individual perspective, when we have a blindingly bright 'light bulb' moment, it's important to don the shades and inspect the filament. This is a time when it might be worthwhile revisiting a notion or putting an action on hold. This doesn't mean there's no way forward or that you're going to end up stuck back at the beginning. You just need to work out the precise steps needed for your next great adventure.


    Whenever I attempt DIY I can't keep track of all the pieces. No sooner have I sourced the right screw, in the drawer it should never have been in, than I discover that I've lost the accompanying drill bit... usually by putting it down as I hunted for the missing equipment. Looking so intensely for something that you're unable to concentrate on anything else is familiar to most of us. But not all searches are fruitless, and not all that's misplaced is lost. An idea seems to be working against you. Yet it's pulled your focus in a promising direction.


    Nothing important gets done half-heartedly. No change is enacted without struggle. No progress made without toil. So when we're suffering difficulties, it's helpful to be sustained by belief. When we're confident in our conviction, and enthusiastic for our future we can be creative. Yet sometimes enthusiasm gets the better of us and blinds us to reality. Now is not a time to be distracted by fireworks. No matter how hard you're finding your choices, lying behind them is a strengthening structure. Its resilience will guide you to a better future.


    We have talked about qualities of leadership and that it's not always necessary to be a famous expert in order to be a great guide. Sometimes, all it takes is confidence so you can take action when needed, and humility, so you can stop taking action when a mistake has been made. It's a rare combination of qualities, but it's one that you're blessed with. As the T-square between Neptune and the Solar Eclipse focuses on your ruler Saturn, trust what you're sure of. Trust, too, whatever you find yourself doubting this weekend.


    The problem with cooking is the time and effort that it takes. It's a lot of waiting around for the right temperature and then peering through the oven door to see if the dish is cooked �" or there's so much going on that one dish burns while another is far from ready! Yesterday, we talked about how perfect a time this is to prepare a metaphorical meal. I neglected to mention how long your stay in the kitchen is due to be! Don't be disheartened if your efforts take longer than you expect. Of course you're hungry for progress. But it's not fast food you're making. Fine dining awaits.


    When will you arrive at the best possible moment? When will you have the perfect opportunity? When will you know without doubt, that you're doing the right thing for the right reason in the right way? Never! If you experience such confidence, mistrust it. It's likely born of euphoria, not wisdom. With every proposition there will always be an argument in favour and an argument against. Always, there will be an element of risk. But, as your rulers make an alignment, and using the energy of the Solar Eclipse, a brave choice is worth making. You know what you need to do!


    It's hard for others to know what you do day-to-day. Unless they're by your side, how can they understand? It's easy for someone on the outside to imagine your life as different to the reality. Of course, it doesn't really matter what other people think of you. You can afford to be comfortable in your knowledge of who you are and what you do. But none of us can help feeling that image matters. And to be impervious to criticism is easier said than done. This weekend though, you can set the record straight. 


    Alchemists tried to synthesise gold, searching for the 'philosopher's stone': a substance to turn worthless metals into the most precious one. Now it seems they'd have had more success if they'd looked for life forms, rather than stones. Scientists have apparently discovered a bacterium that consumes a toxic chemical and then produces gold as waste! Can we mine a little philosophy from this discovery? Though you've felt as if you've been fed some psychological rubbish recently, don't underestimate your ability to turn this trash into treasure.


    There goes Spiderman, with his tight costume, scaling buildings. The actor who played him in a recent movie had to be sewn into his outfit. The designer, ironically, did not leave a fly, so he couldn't pop to the restroom on a whim. Oh, the sacrifices our heroes make. Have you accepted an uncomfortable restriction in the spirit of self-sacrifice? The eclipse forms a T-square with Neptune and Saturn this weekend, bringing you the chance of a better arrangement... one that fits you like a glove and leaves you room to manoeuvre too!


    They say that if you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out, but that if you put it in cold water and heat it to boiling point, it'll stick around for a grim end. Whilst the truth of this statement leaves much to be desired, it still proves a useful metaphor. We may think that we're comfortable, even when the reality of a situation becomes a pale version of its initial appeal. Yet now there's an opportunity for change. You may not exactly need to 'hop it', but you can definitely ensure that people understand the climate you require.


    This week, we've been alluding to the two sides to your personality. Well, not just yours. Everyone has at least two distinct aspects. With seven billion people that's at least 14 billion potential character traits. No wonder so many things seem to change depending on how we look at them. As the celestial T-square focuses on your opposite sign and Mercury, your retrograde ruler, conjuncts Jupiter again, are you sure you're looking at a situation from the right angle? A different perspective can change your mind and outlook.

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