Here are signs .. distinguish between the original and fake bag?
Often you do not know the difference between fake and original pouch bag, whether you intend to buy them from the store or online or when you saw one of your friends and you confirmed it expensive price,This confusion is due to the fake that has become completely identical to the original, but my assurance that whatever the fake is identical to the original, but the original cost you a lot, because they are excellent and are made of high quality material quality ..
For the original product markings distinguish it, you should know her before the purchase, in order not to falling off in an awkward position and you find if you spend money to buy the original or counterfeit bag .. Follow the following instructions to detect the bag:
The smell of skin texture
The original skin has a very distinct smell, it also thicker and coarser texture of plastic, and to test whether the skin is genuine or not I passed a fire lighter above it, the natural skin is never burns either plastic or cloth burning immediately.
the tiny details
Usually characterized bags counterfeit final touches of bad quality, such as threaded lax, all signs that the bag fake, and that the color of threads used are not of the same color as the bag or a derivative of it.
Private brand Logo
Stylists Global often put a sign Brand in more than one place on the bag so as to fight against counterfeiting copies, look for the company sign of the cloud, and the lining of the inner bag and the string and internal pockets, not enough to carry the bag brand name on the card price only.
Its own serial number
The last mark, Check with your bagful serial number, most of the brands belong to her designs with a serial number and is usually clear on the price tag or the inner lining or on a single card sold with the bag.
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